Ginger Crème Brûlée

Ginger Crème Brûlée

It’s been far too long since my last post! Rest assured I have not retired, but am of late merely tired out! You see, R and I have a ‘bun in the oven’ and we’re expecting his arrival in about 4 – 7 weeks time! we’re extremely thrilled and we can’t wait! But at the same time I tire out easily (I hear some experienced moms saying – it’s only the beginning girl! – I know! I hear ya!) and we’ve been gearing up for the bun’s arrival 🙂

Nonetheless, I managed to scratch my culinary/baking/ dessert-making itch for my mother’s birthday and whisked together (quite literally) a few Crème Brûlées with ease after I found out how easy it was to make on chubbyhubby’s blog (he got the recipe from Chef Justin Quek’s cookbook). I was also wanting to use the blow torch we bought from WMF in Germany last year! And having recently returned from Sydney where I had the most awesome breakfasts of tarts and pastries at Bourke St Bakery, I decided to add a lil gingery twist to the Crème Brûlées, just like Bourke St Bakery’s Ginger Brûlée Tart.

Ginger Crème Brûlée looking a lil old school

Ginger Crème Brûlée
Makes 4 -6

Large mixing bowl
Weighing Scale
Small mixing bowls
Large Measuring Jugs
Measuring Spoons
Small fine sieve
4 – 5 Ramekins
Chopping Board and Knife

4 egg yolks
300ml whipping cream (or cream with at least 35% fat)
50ml milk
50g caster sugar (approx 2 tbsp)
1½ tsp ginger juice (from grated ginger) ¹
¼ tsp cinnamon powder

about 4 tbsp caster sugar/ brown sugar for sprinkling and brûlée-ing
Pistachio nuts (chopped and lightly toasted)

1. Preheat the oven to 100°C.
2. Whisk sugar and egg yolks together in a large mixing bowl until sugar is fully dissolved.
3. Add ginger juice to milk.
4. Gradually add in cream and milk, whisking slowly to combine. Lastly add the cinnamon powder.
4. Once combined, pour through a fine sieve into a large measuring jug for ease of pouring.
5. Pour the Crème Brûlée mixture into the ramekins. Place the ramekins on a baking tray.
6. Bake in the oven for 1 hr – 1hr 15 mins or until centre of the mixture is slightly firm and not liquid when baking tray is jiggled.
7. Remove from the oven, leave aside to cool before refrigerating for at least 3 hrs.
8. Before serving, sprinkle a thin layer of sugar on top of each ramekin or just enough to cover the surface of the Crème Brûlée.
9. Using a blowtorch, caramelize the sugar and sprinkle some toasted pistachios. Serve.


¹ If you’re not a fan of ginger, the basic Crème Brûlée recipe would be sans ginger juice and cinnamon but you can certainly still keep the pistachios


Where to Buy

All ingredients can be purchased from your regular supermarket.
Blowtorch – the ToTT store at Bukit Timah should have it.

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9 thoughts on “Ginger Crème Brûlée

  1. hey charlotte, congrats on the impending arrival and all the best in this last leg of the pregnancy 🙂 was in sydney last week and made a morning breakfast stop at bourke street bakery en route to hunter valley. couldn’t resist the bourke street ginger brulee for the road! thanks for sharing the recipe. was just wondering how to recreate it when i got home.

    jj xx


    1. hey jj! thank you! 🙂 bourke street is the best isn’t it? i purchased their cookbook and just had to try making some ginger brulee myself! try it soon and let me know how it goes 🙂 cheers!


  2. Seriously, I’m not exactly a fan of going out of the usual habit but this I gotta try. Ginger creme brulee is absolutely a new twist to the conventional bitter-sweet confection.


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